Land Plants - invasive

Scots Broom (Cytisus scoparius) on Jun 8, 2008

Originally reported as Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus bifrons)

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

The wetlands area has Blackberries, Scotch Broom, Nutria and Bullfrogs.


Thanks for your report of Scotch Broom, blackberries, nutria, and bullfrogs! This wetlands area is a great example of a location that has been invaded by numerous invasive species.

Scotch broom is a pioneer species known to displace native plant species and increase the costs of timber production. Blackberries, nutria, and bullfrogs are similar in their ability to outcompete native species, as well.

Unfortunately, those responsible for controlling invasive species (Oregon Department of Agriculture and local land managers like Soil and Water Conservation Districts) don’t have enough resources to attack all the broom in the state – there is just too much! Private land owners are responsible for controlling weeds on their property, but sometimes people don’t do anything because the task seems too daunting or they are unaware of the problem. The silver lining to this gloomy picture is citizen stewardship. There are many dedicated volunteers who join forces to uncover and protect their favorite areas from Scotch broom and other aggressive invaders. In some cases, the SWCD can help coordinate the effort and provide resources.

We hope you will keep on reporting! By looking for and reporting some of the less abundant, but equally as aggressive, invasive species, we can control them before they become tomorrow’s Scotch broom or English Ivy. Check out this website for a list of plants and animals that are priority for early detection and control in Western Oregon:

Thanks again and keep on reporting!

Lisa DeBruyckere
June 8, 2008, 11:07 p.m.