Insects and Spiders - non-native

Noctuid Moths (family Noctuidae) on Jun 21, 2008

Submitter has sample

Description of specimen

Found as chrysalis in garden soil. Allowed to completley pupate for simpler ID. The closest I can key it out is as a 'Large Yellow Underwing'. According to the internet they are a recent(last 3 years) arrival in the Pacific Northwest from Europe. Found numerous chrysalae of similar type in garden soil...only collected a single specimen.


Randall, thank you for your report. It's the 2nd report of this European moth we have had this month. See additional information below. Thank you for your report.

Noctua pronuba European cutworm moth first collected in Oregon in 2002 ( Also see The other species is Noctua comes (see and is also from Europe and has been known to be in Oregon for 3+ years."

Lisa DeBruyckere
June 22, 2008, 1:28 a.m.