Insects and Spiders - native

Polyphemus Moth (Antheraea polyphemus) on Jun 29, 2008

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

Very large moth - found alive but stunned and now frozen. Body approximately 1 3/4 inch long and 5/8 inch wide. Each wing is 3 inches long - total of 5-6 inch wingspan. Predominately "camoflage" light brown in color. Antenae are yellowish, thick and 1/2" long. The wings each have two 1/4" diameter eyespots that are clear (as if made of plastic) with a yellow circle around each of them. The body is quite heavy for a moth. I have never seen a moth this big in Oregon before. I looks like a somewhat smaller and dowdier version of the Atlas Moth.


Would like to know if this is a native species.

June 29, 2008, 7:55 a.m.

Hi Mike, thanks for your report! According to Jim Young at the OSU insect clinic, "The Moth is Antheraea polyphemus, the Polyphemus Moth. It is the PNW’s largest silk moth and is native. The caterpillars of this moth are very large (4-5” long and ½” in diameter) and feed on Oak and occasionally other deciduous trees/shrubs."

Thanks for the great picture - having photos allows for quick and accurate identification.

Lisa DeBruyckere
July 29, 2008, 6:19 a.m.