Shining Geranium (Geranium lucidum) on Jul 11, 2008
Submitter has sample
Description of specimen
Geranium lucidum
the upper end of the valley has been hand weeded. Is this the only menthod of control?b
July 11, 2008, 4:13 a.m.
Dear Sally,
Thanks for reporting shining geranium! This plant is very invasive and is rapidly spreading throughout the Upper Willamette Valley. The West Eugene Wetlands Early Detection of Invasives Network (WEEDIN ) has targeted this plant for early detection and rapid response and in encouraging people to look for, report, and control shining geranium on their property.
I will forward your report to the City of Eugene and other agencies to see if they are able to help. In many cases it the weed infestation is on private property, in which case the private land owner has the responsibly to control it on their land so it doesn’t spread further. Please feel free to contact me with questions. Check out the WEEDIN site to learn more about what species you can be looking for and reporting! Thanks again!
How to control shiny geranium, from WA noxious weed control board: Individual plants and small infestations can easily be controlled by carefully hand-pulling, bagging, and putting in the trash. Make sure to remove its fibrous roots to prevent resprouting. Larger populations can be covered with sheet mulch - ideally overlapping pieces of cardboard covered with a thick layer of woodchips. Make sure to repeatedly monitor and control seedlings before they set seed.
Jefferson St. alley between 29th Pl. and 30th., on both sides and center area.
Expert Reviewer
Tania Siemens WISE Program Coordinator (Watershed and Invasive Species Education) Oregon Sea Grant Extension Oregon State University 541-914-0701
the upper end of the valley has been hand weeded. Is this the only menthod of control?b
July 11, 2008, 4:13 a.m.
Thanks for reporting shining geranium! This plant is very invasive and is rapidly spreading throughout the Upper Willamette Valley. The West Eugene Wetlands Early Detection of Invasives Network (WEEDIN ) has targeted this plant for early detection and rapid response and in encouraging people to look for, report, and control shining geranium on their property.
I will forward your report to the City of Eugene and other agencies to see if they are able to help. In many cases it the weed infestation is on private property, in which case the private land owner has the responsibly to control it on their land so it doesn’t spread further. Please feel free to contact me with questions. Check out the WEEDIN site to learn more about what species you can be looking for and reporting! Thanks again!
Tania Siemens
OSU Sea Grant/The Nature Conservancy
Tania Siemens
July 30, 2008, 5:42 a.m.