Land Plants - invasive

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on May 1, 2014

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Population treated

Description of specimen

Seen while driving, about 18-24 inches tall. sm white flowers at top of stalk, roundish, somewhat serrated leaves.
Believe me, there is garlic mustard along these roads.


Hi, Victoria. Thanks for checking in. There is indeed garlic mustard scattered along Shattuck, Vermont, Hamilton, etc. With any luck, we'll be through that part of town with later this week.

You might be interested in checking our progress at:

and click the 'What's being done about it?' tab, where we list the general areas we've treated this year.

Thanks again for the email.


Mitch Bixby
May 5, 2014, 9:49 a.m.