Shining Geranium (Geranium lucidum) on Jul 14, 2008
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Dear Ms. Jacqueline Wilson.
Thanks for your report of shining geranium! This shade tolerant annual rapidly invades undisturbed forest understories and forms monoculture patches that replace native plant communities. I will forward your report to the Mid Willamette Cooperative Weed Management area and they will decide how to best respond. Thanks again for your report! I hope you will keep looking for and reporting new invaders. After prevention, early detection and rapid response is our only hope againt new invaders like shining geranium. Thanks!
How to control shiny geranium, from WA noxious weed control board: Individual plants and small infestations can easily be controlled by carefully hand-pulling, bagging, and putting in the trash. Make sure to remove its fibrous roots to prevent resprouting. Larger populations can be covered with sheet mulch - ideally overlapping pieces of cardboard covered with a thick layer of woodchips. Make sure to repeatedly monitor and control seedlings before they set seed.
Baskett Slough National Wildlife Refuge. On the trail from the new restroom around and in the oak trees. On the farest part of the trail from the parking lot and along the trail back, going clockwise there is lots and lots of Shining Geranium. I cannot tell if it has been spayed or not as it looks like it is getting brown, but there is LOTS of it.
Expert Reviewer
Tania Siemens WISE Program Coordinator (Watershed and Invasive Species Education) Oregon Sea Grant Extension Oregon State University 541-914-0701
Thanks for your report of shining geranium! This shade tolerant annual rapidly invades undisturbed forest understories and forms monoculture patches that replace native plant communities. I will forward your report to the Mid Willamette Cooperative Weed Management area and they will decide how to best respond. Thanks again for your report! I hope you will keep looking for and reporting new invaders. After prevention, early detection and rapid response is our only hope againt new invaders like shining geranium. Thanks!
Tania Siemens
Oregon Sea Grant Extension/The Nature Conservancy
Tania Siemens
Aug. 4, 2008, 2:43 a.m.