Herb Robert - Stinky Bob (Geranium robertianum) on Jul 21, 2008
Submitter has sample
Description of specimen
Geranium robertianum.
Hi Virginia,
Thanks so much for reporting stinky bob! I will forward your report to the Army Corps of Engineers in case they are not already aware of this infestation. Please keep in mind that due to limited funding, it is possible that this population will not be controlled right away. You can help by keeping it off your property, or organizing a work party in your community.
"Manage Herb Robert":http://www.westerninvasivesnetwork.org/pdfs/factsheets/HerbRobert_PIP.pdf
Want to join forces with your community to fight invasives? There are lots of people involved in this effort already! The links below can connect you with opportunities:
* "Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts":http://www.oacd.org/districts.html (Click on your county)
* "OPB Silent Invasion":http://www.opb.org/programs/invasives/ (scroll down to events)
* "SOLV":http://www.solv.org/programs/invasives.asp
* "Invasives Watch Volunteers":http://www.westerninvasivesnetwork.org/pages/nature_conserv.html
* "The Nature Conservancy in Oregon":http://www.nature.org/wherewework/northamerica/states/oregon/about/art24312.html
Below Dorena Dam in the Corps of Engineers area. In my yard on the Row River below the Dam.
Expert Reviewer
Tania Siemens WISE Program Coordinator (Watershed and Invasive Species Education) Oregon Sea Grant Extension Oregon State University tania.siemens@oregonstate.edu 541-914-0701
Thanks so much for reporting stinky bob! I will forward your report to the Army Corps of Engineers in case they are not already aware of this infestation. Please keep in mind that due to limited funding, it is possible that this population will not be controlled right away. You can help by keeping it off your property, or organizing a work party in your community.
Tania Siemens
OSU Sea Grant/The Nature Conservancy
Tania Siemens
Aug. 13, 2008, 6:57 a.m.