Insects and Spiders - non-native

European Paper Wasp (Polistes dominula) on Jul 23, 2008

Originally reported as European Woodwasp (Sirex noctilio)

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

I confirmed species by a Wikipedia search.


Is there a homeowner method of eradicaton?

July 23, 2008, 3:26 a.m.

Hi Reymond, thanks for your report. Know that your local county extension office is always available to assist you with guidance on removing wasp hives. In addition, here's some information you may find helpful:
If you have never removed these types of hives before, it is strongly recommended you call someone for assistance that routinely deals with these sorts of things.

OSU Extension Service, Marion County
3180 Center Street NE Room 1361
Salem, OR 97301-4532

Tel: 503-588-5301
Fax: 503-585-4940

Lisa DeBruyckere
July 29, 2008, 6:40 a.m.