Land Plants - invasive

Tansy Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) on Jul 12, 2015

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Ongoing monitoring

Description of specimen

Tansy Ragwort is just starting to take root in the barren areas of the Christmas tree farm. This is the first year that there has been a large bloom.


Mr. Blankenship,

Thank you very much for your tansy ragwort report in South Salem. You will be glad to know that this site has already been identified, and the property owner has a management plan being implemented by their staff, and their progress is being monitored. It may take a couple weeks before control is achieved, however, they are making a great effort.

Please continue to keep your eyes out and submit reports to this site. Having citizens watching for infestations across the state is incredibly helpful, and those of us "on the ground" truly appreciate the extra assistance! Also, feel free to report species that you don't recognize, if they appear to be in places they don't belong. Sometimes that's how we discover new invaders.

Thank you again!

Tanya Beard
Marion County Public Works
Environmental Specialist

Tanya Beard
July 13, 2015, 1:15 a.m.