Land Plants - invasive

English Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) on Apr 22, 2016

Submitter has sample

Description of specimen

Item not found on your "reported species" list, however, is on the watch list for ODA. The plant is identified as English Hawthorne.


Thank you for reporting this to the Hotline! We are starting to track locations for English Hawthorne. This report will be added to the Oregon iMapInvasives database which is shared with a variety of agencies in the state including ODA and with researchers.

This species had been listed as "Oneseed Hawthorne" in our list but I changed it to "English Hawthorne" as that seems to be the more commonly used common name.

Thank you for reporting!


Lindsey Wise
July 13, 2016, 2:15 a.m.