Reptiles and Amphibians - native

Pacific Ring-necked Snake (Diadophis punctatus amabilis) on Jul 29, 2008

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

A beautiful snake, brownish green on top with orange ring around neck and vivid orange underneath. When disturbed he coils his tail (?) showing the bright orange and points it at you.


Is it native to this area? And how mildly venomous is it? Thanks, Leslie

July 29, 2008, 2:24 p.m.

Hi Leslie, thank you for your report. Yes, the Pacific ring-necked snake is native to your area. It's range is as follows: "Found along the northern California coast from Sonoma County to the Oregon border, and inland through the coast ranges. Ranges north through Oregon into southern Washington, with isoloated populations in Idaho."

Thanks so much for your report, and enjoy this beautiful snake on your mother's property.

Lisa DeBruyckere
July 30, 2008, 2:33 p.m.