Mammals - invasive

Nutria (Myocastor coypus) on Aug 23, 2008

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

Observed a nutria moving downhill from the lawn of the Sonrise Church toward the bed of Orenco Creek.


I do not know if all nutria sightings should be reported.

Aug. 23, 2008, 1:29 a.m.

Hi Claire, thank you for your report of the nutria. Unfortunatly, nutria are an invasive species that have become so widespread and established that it would be virtually impossible to eradicate them from Oregon. They are what we consider an established invasive species. Therefore, it's not necessary to report sightings of nutria, however, we do, nevertheless, appreciate your report, and your watchful eye for invasive species.

Lisa DeBruyckere
Aug. 24, 2008, 10:15 a.m.