Mammals - invasive

Nutria (Myocastor coypus) on Mar 23, 2018

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

There are 4-5 nutria living in this park. I have more photos if you are interested. I have also submitted this image to the Oregon iMapInvasives project on iNaturalist. They are definitely nutria and not muskrats or beavers. They are accustomed to people and will hang out very near the boardwalk.


Thank you for your report, and apologies for the very delayed response! Nutria are, unfortunately, pretty common in the Willamette Valley. Due to their abundance in our area, they are usually not removed from parks because there are plenty of nearby nutria to come back in. You can read more about nutria in Oregon at
Thanks again for your report, and also for participating in the iMapInvasives iNaturalist project! All these sites are incorporated into our statewide iMapInvasives dataset for use by managers, researchers, and the public.

Lindsey Wise
Sept. 10, 2018, 2:55 a.m.