Land Plants - native

Land Plant (unknown species) (Kingdom Plantae) on Nov 22, 2008

Originally reported as Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata)

Submitter has sample

Description of specimen

Found one garlic mustard plant (Allaria pediolata). This is believed to be the first sighting of garlic mustard in Tillamook County. Plant was in vegetative state about 2 feet tall, had a distinct garlicy odor, and an "S" shaped tap root. No seeds were present. Plant was pulled and taken to BLM botantist, Kurt Heckeroth for positive ID.


After further conversation with Kurt Heckeroth, I learned that he determined that the plant specimen in question was not garlic mustard, but the find was too long ago to remember what species it actually was. Tillamook County has not had a confirmed find of garlic mustard.

Beth Myers-Shenai
Nov. 30, 2018, 4:32 a.m.