Land Plants - invasive

Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) on Jul 7, 2020

Submitter has sample
EDRR Status: Local expert notified

Description of specimen

I have tried to dig it up but the bright orange roots are so invasive I would need to excavate down 3-4 feet to eradicate them. I tried clipping the stem and shooting Roundup down the stem. It has made a small inpact on the plants in my upper area but the slope will be impossible to get to because it is steep. It is spreading quickly and I do not think my neighbor understands what is happening, nor am I sure they would care!. I thought I could dig them all up but it does not seem possible. Can we get some outside help on this? I will also contact the Clackamas County soil conservation district.
Thanks in advance for any help/suggestions you can provide.

