Land Plants - invasive

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on Apr 25, 2008

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Second-year plants about 8"tall. Horseshoe shaped leaves. Small white flowers.
First-year plants. Billions and billions of seedlings. 1-3" tall at this time.


Is there any help available to help eradicate it? If the county would spray now, while it is largely confined to the edges of the road, we might be able to stem the tide. It is moving through the woods like a tidal wave!

April 25, 2008, 12:17 p.m.

Hello! Thanks for reporting garlic mustard. Unfortunately it is widespread in the Portland area. I will forward your report to the local Cooperative Weed Management Area (4-County CWMA) so they can identify who may be able to take the lead for the particular infestation you reported. You may want to contact your local SWCD ( or to find out about any active GM control projects happening and see if this invasion can be incorporated into their efforts, as well. Another option may be to mobilize local land owners to cooperate to control the species in that area. Good luck, and thanks again for your report.

Tania Siemens
Oregon Sea Grant Extension

Tania Siemens
April 30, 2008, 2:32 a.m.