Land Plants - invasive

Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) on Apr 25, 2008

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

vine type of yellow flowering plant that spreads in wooded areas.


I would love to see this plant gone from a beautiful Park in Oregon. Metro needs to take care of this sort of problem since it is Metro property.

April 25, 2008, 10:58 p.m.


Thanks for reporting this plant. It is great you included a photo to help with identification. I will forward your report to the local Cooperative Weed Management Area (CWMA) so they can be aware of this invasion and coordinate a response. Metro is an active partner in the CWMA so they should be notified as well. You can learn more about CWMAs at

Thanks again, and keep reporting.

Tania Siemens
OSU Sea Grant/The Nature Conservancy

Tania Siemens
April 30, 2008, 3:13 a.m.

Hi Linda,

I believe the plant you found in Oxbow park is called yellow archangel. You can read more about this invasive plant at:

I will forward your report to the East Multnomah SWCD, the Oregon Department of Agriculture, and to Metro.

Unfortunately there are limited resources for weed control in Oregon. In that area, most of the weed control efforts are focused on high priority species like garlic mustard and knotweed. However, as we learn more about the invasiveness of yellow archangel, it may also be prioritized for control, especially if this is a new population that could be eradicated. So, we appreciate your report.

In many cases, concerned citizens will take the lead in controlling certain species or join work parties to help with the battle against invasives. I would recommend you contact the East Multnomah SWCD ( you want to join other weed control efforts in Portland. One fun way to volunteer is to become an “Invasives-Watcher” and look for and report high priority species in the Portland area

Tania Siemens
Invasive Species Research Assistant
Oregon State University Sea Grant Extension
cell: 541-914-0701

Tania Siemens
May 15, 2008, 12:06 a.m.