green leaf with white veins looks much like a house [plant and is rapidly spreading.
Thank you for your submission: It appears from your description the plant you are referring to is a common ornamental plant called Italian Arum, Arum italicum. This plant can be somewhat invasive in some situations and it is difficult to control. If you are digging the plant out be careful of how you dispose of the plant so it is not spread to other areas.
Tim Butler, ODA Noxious Weed Control Program
Tim Butler
April 30, 2008, 2:41 a.m.
Italian arum can be difficult to eradicate once established. Make sure to wear gloves and long sleeves and pants when removing it, as its sap can cause skin irritation. Do not compost or put in your yard debris, as this can lead to spreading of tubers which can grow into new plants. Home control methods can include carefully digging out the tuber and any daughter tubers and disposing in the trash. Cutting and disposing of the berries in the trash can help prevent spreading to new sites. Herbicide trials are still inconclusive, please contact your local Soil and Water Conservation District if you are interested in chemical control.
our front yard looks like a variegated house plant that is spreading under our fence to our back yard. It was on the show for just a few seconds but am sure it is the plant in our yard. We do not know the name of it but we are digging it up.
Tim Butler, ODA Noxious Weed Control Program
Tim Butler
April 30, 2008, 2:41 a.m.