Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Population assessed
Population extends discontinuously for approx. 200 ft. on the east side of the road. I put orange flagging at beginning and end of the area with one flag midway at start of a dense patch (which likely needs spray; some of the rest could be hand-pulled). Be careful. At the first (southern) patch, garlic mustard is growing among native mitrewort (with somewhat similar-looking leaves). May be a hand-pull spot.
Plants were mostly in leaf or bud, but a few flowers were showing. (Plants seemed shorter than usual - about 1 ft. tall at maturity.)
I started hand-pulling (3-4 plants) but they broke at the base of stem (: . So I stopped and left it for you. There were also many seedlings with few leaves, and many newly germinated with seed-leaves (that I assume were garlic mustard), so it will need to be revisited again next year(s)
I found it doing roadside-cleanup. I cleaned the opposite side of the road first but wasn't looking for weeds. I don't know if it is there or not.
Seems that these plants may have spread from the population west of here, across the ravine, from the east end of McDonald's hazelnut orchard. That population extends eastward along the north side of Wilsonville Rd. I did drive slowly past this area, which usually has garlic mustard, but didn't see any from the car. While you are in the neighborhood, it wouldn't hurt to survey that area. THANK YOU for your always prompt response on attacking this weed. Gawd it is a persistent critter! But, I guess we always miss at least one ... just to keep us entertained for years!
(Peter McDonald first told me about the population. And he has been dead for 9 yr!)