On Heron 7860 street ne. I previously had livestock in the pasture I was concerned about getting in contact with the pesticides. "Had previous issues with poisoning due to pesticides from acrossed the street farming practices that killed livestock" water ran off into the ditch in front of my home into my pasture. I previously asked County to mark off property to hold off spraying in ditch due to legal matters that was going on at the time with the neighboring pesticide use. I tried my hardest to maintain weeds and invasive poison oak. I was un able to successfully keep vegetation down. I no longer have livestock and called in to request the no spray markers to be removed. The ditch area in front of the property invasive weed are beyond my control and I need help please. I did contact Marion County to ask for help and they took the no spraying order off and stated they will be contacting persons who are in charge with spraying ditches. They also informed me I could visit website to find out where the County has already sprayed. I attempted to try to see the map but had no luck. My phone number is (971) 388-2805 my name is Tamara Kyser. Thank you for your services and I hope you can help!
Expert Reviewer
Sarah Hamilton Marion Soil & Water Conservation District