Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Population treated
purple flowered head on plant about 1-2 feet tall, growign on banks of ponds. ID not in doubt; we know this plant!
Some plants could easily be seeding within days if not already. A senior citizen/botanist who lives at Willamette Oaks, has called the city twice now and they simply say they've put in an order, but they are clearly not responding in a timely manner to keep this invasive from spreading!
Thanks for reporting loosestrife! This is indeed a very damaging plant that we want to keep out of delta ponds. I will pass this on to the City of Eugene. It is possible they know of these sites and have a plan to control it. I will let you know what they say.
Thanks again for your report! Keep up the good work!
Tania Siemens
Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response Coordinator
The Nature Conservancy
WISE Program Coordinator (Watershed and Invasive Species Education)
Oregon Sea Grant Extension
Tania Siemens
Aug. 30, 2009, 11:45 p.m.
Just to let you know that I called Lauri Holts at the City of Eugene and it just so happened that they had someone out controlling loosestrife that day. So, great work spotting such an important weed! Keep on looking as the City would be grateful I am sure for any new sightings. Also keep a lookout for garlic mustard, which is on super high alert for this area. See think link for more info:
Tania Siemens
Sept. 2, 2009, 12:07 a.m.