Insects and Spiders - native

Bumble Bees (Bombus spp.) on Sep 6, 2009

Originally reported as Africanized Honey Bee (Apis mellifera scutellata)

Submitter has sample

Description of specimen

Bee that looks similar to the one on the website for invasive species. Approximatly 3 weeks ago when walking on a trail 1 person was stung. After 15-20 minutes when we went to retrieve our personal belongings 3 dogs were stung. For remaining afternoon you could hear them buzzing and they were active around front lawn and house. 9/6/09 while in same area 1 person stung multiple times. 2 other possible nests have been found underground on property.


How do we trap/kill them and destroy their nests so that they do not return to area?

Sept. 6, 2009, 4:19 p.m.

Michelle, the type of bee that you described is likely a bumble bee (Bombus melanopygus), a common bee that is aggressive towards humans and commonly nests in bird houses, mouse nests, or the ground this time of year. You can access some additional information about this species at this website - Bumble bees were the featured "species of the month" in 1993 on this site.

This species of bumble bee is commonly known as the orange-rumped bumblebee, and is a species of bumblebee native to western North America from British Columbia to California and as far east as Idaho. They live in organized groups, with a queen, drones, and workers.

Here's another good website on native bumblebees:

If their aggressiveness is causing people and pets to be stung, please consider calling an exterminator, who can direct you to the appropriate individual/company. Dealing with aggressive bees requires knowledge of their behavior, experience, and the appropriate protective gear.

Lisa DeBruyckere
Sept. 6, 2009, 11:55 p.m.