Scots Thistle (Onopordum acanthium) on May 2, 2008
Submitter has sample
Description of specimen
matches descriptions in pertinent floras. I am a professional botanist frequently responsible for noxious surveys
Scotch thistle is known to be established in the area of your report and the Harney County Cooperative Weed Management partners have been working on controlling infestations in the area.
I am passing this information along to Jesse Barns the Harney County Weed Supervisor and Bonnie Rasmussen, ODA Weed Specialist, SE Oregon.
Thank you for your submission: Tim Butler, ODA Noxious Weed Control Progarm
Tim Butler
May 9, 2008, 7:58 a.m.
Onopordum acanthium (ONAC) East side of Malheur River south of highway 20 and north of Cat Rock. Almost all on State land.
site # Zone UTMmE UTMmN Elev (ft)Obs Date Species Area (ft) 2 11T 395779 4845594 3647 4/17/2008 ONAC 50 x50 4 11T 395285 4843728 3464 4/17/2008 ONAC 5 11T 394993 4844473 3466 4/17/2008 ONAC 100 x 100 6 11T 394931 4844647 3466 4/17/2008 ONAC 50 x 50 7 11T 395014 4846364 3476 4/17/2008 ONAC 50 x 150 8a 11T 394712 4846661 3480 4/17/2008 ONAC 30 x 50
site # Species Area (ft) Notes 2 ONAC 50 x50 30 x 30' dense 4 ONAC 5 ONAC 100 x 100 NOT DENSE, EVENLY SCATTERED 6 ONAC 50 x 50 DENSE EVENLY SCATTERED 7 ONAC 50 x 150 SCAT-PATCHY 8a ONAC 30 x 50 SCAT-FEW
I am passing this information along to Jesse Barns the Harney County Weed Supervisor and Bonnie Rasmussen, ODA Weed Specialist, SE Oregon.
Thank you for your submission: Tim Butler, ODA Noxious Weed Control Progarm
Tim Butler
May 9, 2008, 7:58 a.m.