Pine Sawyer Beetle (Ergates spiculatus) on Jul 29, 2022
Submitter does not have a specimen
Description of specimen
The beetle is aprox. 5mm in length
We are aware of tree dieback issues across the state, many of which are caused by drought and sometimes subsequent opportunistic bark beetle attack (pine and other types of sawyers are neither bark beetles nor tree killers, they reside mostly in dead and dying trees). Management should be focused on reducing drought stress such as planting the right species in the right place and maintaining lower stocking levels. For more info see the annual forest health highlights reports:
Christine Buhl
Sept. 6, 2023, 10:50 a.m.
Bark beetles are devastating the forest in the Tollgate area as shown on this map. I'm sure you are aware of this issue. The only known cure naturally is sub zero weather for an extended length of time. We know that won't happen in our life time so lets come up with an alternative solution that doesn't hurt the wildlife etc. There must be a liquid that can be sprayed over the forest that attacks this pest. I see where you have spend millions and millions of taxpayers dollars on our forest but something has to be done quickly very quickly before we loose several 1000's of acre feet of precious trees. All one has to do is fly over the forests and you will see thousands of trees turning red and then dead. I can not see a more critical concern to our forest land than these beetles.
Christine Buhl
Sept. 6, 2023, 10:50 a.m.