Originally reported as Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)
Submitter does not have a specimen
This past summer I noticed that my 2 stands of 3 berch trees had branches that we're dieing so I went in for a closer look. I noticed holes in the trees that I at first thought were from a woodpecker or sapsucker but they were of an odd shape so I started searching online to see what I could find. Several types of boring beetle showed up on my websearch so I did some more investigating and noticed the D shaped holes that emerald ash borer beetles make so I assumed that is what it was. I did some digging under the bark in the area of these holes and found a maze of leetle trails the beetles had made and actually found one of the beetles as well. I tool a picture but am not sure if I still have it. The trees are all dead now and are still standing for now.
Thanks for being on the lookout!
Tom Valente
Jan. 22, 2023, 11:48 p.m.