Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) on Feb 24, 2010
Submitter does not have a specimen EDRR Status: Local expert notified
Description of specimen
No description provided
Dear Sue,
Thanks so much for taking the time to submit this report. This is extremely valuable. I will forward this information to the City of Eugene and try to find out options for control/containment and let you know how we plan to respond. Please keep up the good work "Invasives watching" and keep on reporting invasive species!
Take care, Tania
Tania Siemens Western Oregon EDRR Coordinator Early Detection and Rapid Response to Invasive Species The Nature Conservancy tania.siemens@oregonstate.edu 541-914-0701
Tania Siemens
March 1, 2010, 5:50 a.m.
For small patches, plants can be dug up in their entirety (be sure to get all roots and the small bulbils that break off to form new plants - you may need to sift through your soil to get these). Do not compost or put in your yard debris bin any below-ground parts of the plant (tubers and bulbils) as they can be spread this way. The leaves and flowers are ok to compost or put in yard debris. For larger patches, digging is impractical and can cause a lot of disturbance; herbicide application may have more success.
* Lesser Celandine: National Park Service fact sheet
*Lesser Celandine info from West Multnomah SWCD
Found in open lot behind 3617 Westleigh St off of Bailey Hill Rd. in Eugene. Lot is in full sun with standing water in winter & spring. Also saw species in front lawn on north side of West. 12th between Lawrence St. & Lincoln St. in Eugene.
Expert Reviewer
Tania Siemens WISE Program Coordinator (Watershed and Invasive Species Education) Oregon Sea Grant Extension Oregon State University tania.siemens@oregonstate.edu 541-914-0701
Thanks so much for taking the time to submit this report. This is extremely valuable. I will forward this information to the City of Eugene and try to find out options for control/containment and let you know how we plan to respond. Please keep up the good work "Invasives watching" and keep on reporting invasive species!
Take care,
Tania Siemens
Western Oregon EDRR Coordinator
Early Detection and Rapid Response to Invasive Species
The Nature Conservancy
Tania Siemens
March 1, 2010, 5:50 a.m.