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Found at noonish on 5-23-23. Its currently sunny and 65’. Ground/ plants watered 2 days ago in this spot but the bird bath was filled this morning. Bird bath sits on birch stump. Bug looks like a beetle with green under the brownish covering/wings. Was worried is was ash borer.
Many birch trees died in the area and have been hearing its caused by boring beetles from the neighbors but the arborist who removed my last 3 birch trees fall 2022 says its not that. He said it is old freeze damage. Honestly, I believe he is correct. (L&J tree care @ (541) 726-8286).
I am not sure if this bug flew in or came out of the birch stump as I was removing a birdbath. The bug is not solid emerald but I was still worried it could be the invasive ash killer.
There are a number of iridescent green look-alike beetles in Oregon that are not pests. I am attaching a link to the ODA EAB webpage with some photos of other Oregon insects that could be mistaken for EAB
Thanks for being on the lookout!
Tom Valente
May 24, 2023, 6:15 a.m.