Hi, I can't be certain, but I think there may be bullfrog tadpoles in the water hyacinth container at Garland Nursery. I saw them on Monday. I am reporting this because two years ago I bought water hyacinths from that nursery and I ended up with 8 juvenile bullfrogs in my pond the following year. It took me a while to catch them all. I do not want to think that bullfrogs are being spread by sale of the plants. Of course, I cannot be certain as I cannot identify bullfrogs from tadpoles. I am sorry, I did not take a photograph.
Expert Reviewer
Mrs. Lindsey Wise Oregon Biodiversity Information Center, inr.oregonstate.edu/orbic Oregon iMapInvasives Institute for Natural Resources Portland State University
Lindsey Wise
June 8, 2023, 2:39 a.m.