Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Local expert notified
Approx 15 mature and 20 - 30 young plants in a remnant natural area on utility owned property next to EWEB Sub-station. Have not made extensive search of surrounding area to determine extent. Will develop plan to treat portion of site on utility property.
Thanks for reporting Spurge Laurel! This species is starting to become fairly abundant, but still just isolated patches from what I can see. It is pretty easy to control when patches are still small. I will look into how to help respond.
Thanks again and keep on reporting!
Tania Siemens
Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response Coordinator
The Nature Conservancy
WISE Program Coordinator (Watershed and Invasive Species Education)
Oregon Sea Grant Extension
Tania Siemens
March 21, 2010, 11:32 p.m.