Land Plants - invasive

Giant Knotweed (Fallopia sachalinense) on Apr 9, 2010

Originally reported as Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica)

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Local expert notified

Description of specimen

Growing in a drainage ditch on north side of Hwy 211.


Dear Michael,

Thanks for reporting Japanese knotweed. This is certainly a problem plant we want to catch before it gets out of hand. I will forward your report to the Marion SWCD to see if anyone is able to go check the site out and confirm the ID. If you by chance drive past there often, and have a chance to stop and take a picture then upload it to this report, that would be a big help. Thanks again, and keep on reporting!


Tania Siemens
Invasive Species Early Detection and Rapid Response Coordinator
The Nature Conservancy
WISE Program Coordinator (Watershed and Invasive Species Education)
Oregon Sea Grant Extension

Tania Siemens
April 27, 2010, 8:58 a.m.

Hello again, Micheal,

I forwarded your report to the Marion Soil and Water Conservation District. They were very fast to respond. Here is what they said. Thanks again for you report. Keep them coming! Tania Siemens


I was able to visit this site (I think it is the same one) yesterday. The species is actually Giant knotweed, rather than Japanese. It is along the upper part of a berm and along the fenceline of a private property located along HWY 211 roughly ½ mile east of Cooley Rd. on the north side of the HWY (to provide a more accurate point on the hotline map--the one placed by the reporter is pretty far off, and there are no specimens in the area marked).
The Weed Control District will be contacting the landowner, providing advice, and offering assistance.

Thank you very much for the on-the-ground assistance through the Hotline!


Tanya Beard, Environmental Specialist-Botanist Marion County Department of Public Works
5155 Silverton Rd. NE, Salem, OR 97305-3899
Phone: 503-365-3149/Fax: 503-588-7970

Tania Siemens
May 20, 2010, 10:12 a.m.