Insects and Spiders - native

Ponderous Borer (Trichocnemis spiculatus) on Jul 12, 2023

Originally reported as Longhorn Beetles (Cerambycidae)

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

This was the BIGGEST BUG I’ve ever seen in Eugene, and I’ve lived here 29 years. He was about two inches long, with long antennas. I can’t provide a description of what he looked like because I’m no bug expert, but based on my research he COULD be a long horn beetle (or something non invasive). Better safe than sorry.


Thank you for your report! That is a longhorn beetle (family Cerambycidae). This species, Trichocnemis spiculatus (the "Ponderous borer") is the largest species of longhorn beetle that occurs in Oregon. They are native. Their grubs live in dead conifer stumps and logs. They are not considered pests. Thanks for being on the lookout!

Tom Valente
July 13, 2023, 2:51 a.m.