Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on Apr 10, 2010
Submitter does not have a specimen EDRR Status: Population treated
Description of specimen
Garlic Mustard in large patches on Larch Mountain road.
Jeff- Thanks for reporting. The garlic mustard on Larch Mountain road is currently under management by EMSWCD. All second year plants on Larch Mountain Road will be treated this spring and have been treated for the last two seasons. Lucas
Garlic Mustard has completely infested the Larch Mountain Road. The pointer/pin marker on the google map is not exact, but there are numerous stretches of Larch Mountain Road that are completely infested with mature second year flower stage Garlic Mustard plants. In these areas they are very dense and remind us why we need to act fast on this species.
Thanks for reporting. The garlic mustard on Larch Mountain road is currently under management by EMSWCD. All second year plants on Larch Mountain Road will be treated this spring and have been treated for the last two seasons.
Lucas Nipp
April 12, 2010, 2:05 a.m.