Land Plants - invasive

Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on Apr 27, 2010

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Ongoing monitoring

Description of specimen

5 garlic mustard plants. I pulled them.


Thanks for the report Dave,

Great Find! having to pull only five plants, is classic early Detection and Rapid response in action. Thanks again for all your efforts. I'll continue to monitor the site and see if we don't see more plants establishing.

All the best,



Samuel Leininger
WeedWise Program Manager
Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District
221 Molalla Ave. Suite 102
Oregon City, OR 97045
503-655-3144 x118

Samuel Leininger
May 11, 2010, 10:03 a.m.