Land Plants - invasive

Knotweed (species unknown) (Fallopia spp.) on Sep 22, 2023

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Local expert notified

Description of specimen

We live outside Dallas and recently drove the Miami-Foley Rd. on our way to and from Seaside. We saw this plant that we were not familiar with that had an attractive white flower. Upon our return home, we opened a flyer in our mail published by the Itemizer-Observer that contained (p. 10) an article showing the plant we had just seen...Knotweed. That is all we know.


Thank you very much for your keen observation with noticing a plant that seemed out of place and following through on trying to identify it! Knotweed has spread across the U.S. and has been residing in Oregon for a number of years now.
You can check out our website at:
On our website you can find how to manage Knotweed and what are the best management practices. There is high potential that it may be growing in or near Dallas.
-Michael Blankenship, TCSWCD.

Michael Blankenship
Sept. 25, 2023, 12:56 a.m.