Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) on Feb 2, 2024
Submitter has sample
Description of specimen
My yard is completely covered by former tenants. It has already spread to four other yards. Identification confirmed by yamhill county osu extension office.
For small patches, plants can be dug up in their entirety (be sure to get all roots and the small bulbils that break off to form new plants - you may need to sift through your soil to get these). Do not compost or put in your yard debris bin any below-ground parts of the plant (tubers and bulbils) as they can be spread this way. The leaves and flowers are ok to compost or put in yard debris. For larger patches, digging is impractical and can cause a lot of disturbance; herbicide application may have more success.
* Lesser Celandine: National Park Service fact sheet
*Lesser Celandine info from West Multnomah SWCD