Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) on May 19, 2010
Submitter does not have a specimen
Description of specimen
Garlic mustard in bloom
Thanks, Heidi. We've scheduled multiple rounds of treatment throughout the area, and will be handpulling Fairmont, in conjunction with neighborhood efforts, in the next couple of weeks. The seedpods, though formed, are still nowhere near popping, so we have some time. Let me know if you have other questions!
Garlic mustard was spotted blooming on south (downhill) side of SW Fairmont Blvd just in front of 3812 SW Fairmont. Likely private property adjacent to natural areas of Council Crest.
Expert Reviewer
Mr. Mitch Bixby City of Portland - Bureau of Environmental Services (BES)
Mitch Bixby
May 25, 2010, 2:50 a.m.