Insects and Spiders - non-native

Crane fly (family Tipulidae) on Apr 24, 2024

Originally reported as Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica)

Submitter has sample

Description of specimen

After seeing my grass die, I rototilled dead areas and found many white, caterpillar-like grubs in the dirt. They appear to match and look like larvae from the Japanese beetle. I have since treated the yard with beneficial nematodes. No adult beetles have been found.


Thank you for your report! That doesn't look like a Japanese Beetle grub to me. It looks more like a Crane Fly larva -- but the specimen is damaged and I can't really see details. Crane Flies prefer damp, poorly drained lawns and feed on roots and organic material. One introduced species is very common in suburban lawns. The nematodes might help.

Tom Valente
April 29, 2024, 2:39 a.m.