Land Plants - invasive

Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) on May 3, 2024

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Local expert notified

Description of specimen

Could be cicuta virosa, smooth, purple spotted, 5 flowered white umbrella. Doesn’t seem like wild carrot or yarrow.


Thank you Josh for the report! Judging by your photos, it indeed looks like Poisonous Hemlock. The acute toxicity of poison hemlock to humans, livestock, and wildlife is fatal if ingested. Also, wear gloves and long sleeve t-shirt if manual removal is your method.
Check out TCSWCD website:
In the invasive weed drop-down menu you can find the list of noxious weeds. There you will find Best Management Practices for Poison Hemlock.
Feel free to PM me @

Poison Hemlock can be found throughout Tillamook County and I strongly suggested EDRR to slow the spread of this invasive plant.
Thank you,
Michael Blankenship, TCSWCD.

Michael Blankenship
May 6, 2024, 12:55 a.m.