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This area is a cattle ranch named Big Sky Cattle Ranch on the corner of Edy Rd. and SW Aeibscher Rd. in Sherwood, OR. When they moved in it was all huge old cherry trees which they removed and put in cattle. Through the years the tansy came and now it completely covers whatever the full aeracage of the operation is. We have lived here since 1981 and there was no tansy anywhere and later after they moved in if we or neighbors saw some on the road or on our land we pulled it out. It is now a losing battle , the tansy has spread from his property all over Chehlam Mt. and we as residents cannot keep it in check. The cattle ranch is completely covered in it with longhorn cattle who dont seem to eat it at all or die etc. Meanwhile, we who have horses and other livestock have to be constantly vigilant that it doesn't get into our animal pastures or fields for food, besides our veggie gardens and landscaped areas.