Land Plants - invasive

Old Man's Beard (Clematis vitalba) on Aug 22, 2010

Submitter has sample
EDRR Status: Local expert notified

Description of specimen

The Clematis Vitalba vine is growing up a few large maple trees along a relatively steep grade. It has spread along the ground to a few other smaller plants. I'm concerned the Traveler's Joy will kill off the large trees along the steep slope and eventually cause erosion and landslide risks to my property as well as my neighbors. I've owned the property for about six months and discovered the vines while pruning the plants along the back of my property.


Is there assistance for this sort of thing or am I on my own? It's on the neighboring property, so would I need to notify the property owners up the hill or do you have a system to notify the property owners? Thanks!

Aug. 22, 2010, 12:13 p.m.

Hi, Joe. Thanks for the report. I'm sorry to say we don't have the resources to help much with traveler's joy at the moment. Organizations like SOLV may be interested in lending a hand, but our program is just too small to be effective on this particular weed. I wish it were otherwise!


Mitch Bixby
Aug. 23, 2010, 9:44 a.m.