Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Population assessed
Japanese knotweed behind the Trimet bus shelter where SW 112th comes in to St. Helen's Road.
There is also
--a patch directly across 112th the road from this one
--A small plant of it across St. Helen's Road in the side yard of a house. It is right in front of a parked boat.
--A large patch along the train track to the right as you are facing the river.
--On tiny plant right under the stop sign at 112th on the river side of St. Helen's Road.
--A patch in the yard of a house at 11033 Front Street (which is just around the corner. This house is empty and for sale. The realtor's number is 503-658-5000.
Mary Logalbo
Sept. 10, 2010, 7:57 a.m.