Land Plants - invasive

Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) on Aug 29, 2010

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Population assessed

Description of specimen

Japanese knotweed behind the Trimet bus shelter where SW 112th comes in to St. Helen's Road.

There is also
--a patch directly across 112th the road from this one
--A small plant of it across St. Helen's Road in the side yard of a house. It is right in front of a parked boat.
--A large patch along the train track to the right as you are facing the river.
--On tiny plant right under the stop sign at 112th on the river side of St. Helen's Road.
--A patch in the yard of a house at 11033 Front Street (which is just around the corner. This house is empty and for sale. The realtor's number is 503-658-5000.


Both Mitch Bixby (BES) and I (WMSWCD) are aware of this population. This infestation falls within the City of Portland boundary for EDRR treatment and may be treated, but is not top priority for fall knotweed treatments. Priority areas for knotweed infestations are along waterways and in natural areas - not roadways, however if the City has ample resources to treat this infestation and has permission to treat then it will proceed with control efforts. Thank you, Mary Logalbo, WMSWCD

Mary Logalbo
Sept. 10, 2010, 7:57 a.m.