Insects and Spiders - native

Bark Gnawing Beetle (Family Trogossitidae) on Sep 13, 2024

Originally reported as Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis)

Submitter has sample

Description of specimen

While sweeping I found a small iridescent green beetle on the floor. It looks like a photo I saw of the beetle. We live in timberland and have some Oregon ash on our property. There’s also a lot of ash in the woods. We are on Starr Creek Road.


Thank you for your report! This is not EAB. It's a native member of the Bark-gnawing beetle family (family Trogossitidae), in the genus Temnoscheila. These beetles are larger and less slender than EAB. They are not tree killers. The adults and their grubs live in dead conifers.

There are a number of iridescent green look-alike beetles in Oregon that are not pests. I am attaching a link to the ODA EAB webpage with some photos of other Oregon insects that could be mistaken for EAB

Thanks for being on the lookout!

Tom Valente
Sept. 16, 2024, 3:35 a.m.