Insects and Spiders - invasive

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) on Oct 18, 2010

Submitter has sample

Description of specimen

See photo


I've got him in a ziploc bag. Should I keep him for you to look at?

Oct. 18, 2010, 4:18 a.m.

Hi Dan, thanks for your report of a Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. This bug is native to Asia, but is known to be established in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Oregon. Hosts include maple, serviceberry, birch, butterflybush, pepper, pecan, catalpa, hackberry, redbud, citrus, dogwood, cucumber, fig, sunflower, honeysuckle, tomato, apple, plum, pear, rose, lilac, linden, viburnum and grape. Adults emerge from overwintering in April. Eggs are 1/16 of an inch, pale green and laid from June to August. Most egg masses have about 25 eggs. The nymphal stages do not have developed wings. Size ranges from 1/8 to 3/4 of an inch as the insect grows and molts. Nymphs are first red, turning almost black, and then finally becoming brown as adults. They are the typical "shield" shape of other stink bugs, almost as wide as they are long. Injuries caused by feeding produce small necrotic areas on the outer surface of fruits and leaves. Scarring is common on fruits such as apple and peach. On other plants may have roughly circular stippled areas about 1/8 inch wide. Only one generation has been observed; however, there are likely to be multiple generations as it spreads south. Adults begin overwintering at the end of September and become a nuisance as large numbers congregate and invade buildings in search of overwintering sites.

You can read more about this invasive species at

I'll inform ODA staff that this insect was reported north of the Coos Bay area. Thanks again for your report! Lisa DeBruyckere

Lisa DeBruyckere
Oct. 23, 2010, 2:19 a.m.