Land Plants - invasive

Scots Broom (Cytisus scoparius) on Nov 30, 2010

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

10+ acres of scotch broom is growing and well established here. It is growing wasit to shoulder high in extremely dense clusters. Most of it is in the clear-cut area, with more of it growing at or on the abandoned railroad tracks.


Is there invasive aquadic plants growing in the pond? It looks like aquarium plants in there on the SW side of the pond in shallow water. Fish that look like zebra fish are swimming there too.

Nov. 30, 2010, 9:54 a.m.

Hi Kathryn, thank you for your report. I have included information about Scotch Broom, which can become established quickly in open areas if no control measures are taken. Unfortunately, this species has taken hold throughout much of western Oregon - thus the reason it readily overtakes other native vegetation when areas become open.

I have forwarded the other information you provided on aquatic plants and zebra-like fish to ODFW and Portland State University staff, and await word on what they find.

Thank you for your report!

Lisa DeBruyckere
Nov. 30, 2010, 10:05 a.m.