Birds - non-native

European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) on Dec 16, 2010

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

there are about 50 of them and they come after rain or if the worms are out


HI Jacob, thanks for your report. European Starlings are well established throughout the United States. They were first introduced in Central Park (New York) in 1890. This extremely successful arrival to North America is a fierce competitor for nest cavities. Starlings often take over the nests of native birds, expelling the occupants. With so many starlings around, this causes some concern about their effect on native bird populations. Nevertheless, a study in 2003 found few actual effects on populations of 27 native species. Only sapsuckers showed declines due to starlings; other species appeared to be holding their own against the invaders (Cornell Lab of Ornithology,

If you have large flocks of starlings this year, but haven't had them in past years, nearby development or a change in the landscape could cause an increase in sightings compared to previous years. It could also be that some of your neighbors have begun feeding birds. Starlings are particularly attracted to millet. Oregon State University extension notes on their web page that black oil sunflower seeds encourage native birds.

Thanks again for your report.

Lisa DeBruyckere
Dec. 16, 2010, 8:49 a.m.