Land Plants - invasive

Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) on Apr 19, 2012

Submitter does not have a specimen
EDRR Status: Population assessed

Description of specimen

The plant is identified I believe as lesser celandine, eastern buttercup or Ranuculus ficaria. I did not see this plant on your drop down list.


Will solarization, that is placing a clear plastic covering over the soil and allowing the sun to heat the soil, rid the area of this pest? If so, how high must the soil temperature rise and for how long?
Alternatively, I read of another small scale solarization technique I believe from university of California, for smaller amounts of weeds. That is, the weeds are placed in a black plastic garbage bag with a pull-close top. The top is closed and the bag is placed on a small elevated platform above the soil. Then willow twigs or small pipes are bent over the bag and a piece of clear plastic is "tented" over the bag. The temperatures evidently get high enough to kill weeds left for 6-7 days. Any experience or knowledge of this?

April 19, 2012, 1:49 a.m.