Insects and Spiders - native

Sawyer Beetles (Monochamus sp.) on Jun 30, 2016

Originally reported as Asian Longhorned Beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis)

Submitter does not have a specimen

Description of specimen

Homeowner found this insect on his deck, took a picture of it recording the GPS location. He took the picture into Wilco. An employee found a picture on the internet of the Asian Longhorned beetle and it matched the picture he had. He described the white banding on the antennae and the size of the antennae exceeding the length of the body. The body had the white spotting. He found the beetle a week ago last Sunday and let it go on his property so doesn't have it anymore. He told me he will email me the picture. It was reported to me, Jen Gorski @ OSU Extension Forestry in Oregon City minutes ago-6/30/16 and I filed this report right away. I will forward pictures when he sends them. My phone # is: 503-655-8684, email:


Pictures of specimen were identified as Monochamus clamator by ODA entomologist, Josh Vlach. It is a native long-horn beetle. Not ALB.

Wyatt Williams
July 27, 2017, 8:14 a.m.