Originally reported as Ash Bark Beetles (Hylesinus spp.)
Submitter does not have a specimen
I was parked on the side of the building, I noticed a beautiful green "jewel" in the parking lot behind my car. I thought at first a child had dropped the jewel. But then I saw it moving (it was on it's back) and trying to roll over. I didn't want to touch it incase it was poisonous. I got a napkin out of my car to move it too the grass. I was too late, the bug was dead.
I called a co-worker over to see how pretty this bug was and explained it's tragic death, poor bug, extremely hot weather and hot asphalt. I carried it over to the grass and it was definitely dead. My friend snapped a couple of pictures and looked it up.
Green, shiny beetle..looked like a jewel
Wyatt Williams
July 23, 2024, 6:23 a.m.