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#687: Old Man's Beard (Clematis vitalba) (Land Plants) — Oct 02, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#686: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Sep 28, 2010
Tillamook EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#685: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Sep 28, 2010
Lane EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#684: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Sep 28, 2010
Lane EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#681: Elk Clover (Aralia californica) (Land Plants) — Sep 28, 2010
Lane EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#679: Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) (Land Plants) — Sep 27, 2010
Clackamas EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#678: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) (Insects and Spiders) — Sep 23, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#676: Yellow Archangel (Lamiastrum galeobdolon) (Land Plants) — Sep 17, 2010
Clatsop EDRR Status: Population assessed
#674: Policeman's Helmet (Impatiens glandulifera) (Land Plants) — Sep 14, 2010
Lane EDRR Status: Population treated
#673: Old Man's Beard (Clematis vitalba) (Land Plants) — Sep 14, 2010
Tillamook EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#670: Leaf Beetles (family Chrysomelidae) (Insects and Spiders) — Sep 07, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status:
#668: Tree of Heaven (Ailanthus altissima) (Land Plants) — Sep 05, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status:
#667: Old Man's Beard (Clematis vitalba) (Land Plants) — Sep 04, 2010
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population assessed
#666: Tansy Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) (Land Plants) — Sep 04, 2010
Clackamas EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#665: Japanese Butterbur (Petasites japonicus) (Land Plants) — Sep 01, 2010
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population treated
#663: Himalayan Blackberry (Rubus bifrons [R. aremeniacus, R. discolor, R. procerus]) (Land Plants) — Aug 31, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#662: Old Man's Beard (Clematis vitalba) (Land Plants) — Aug 30, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#660: Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) (Land Plants) — Aug 30, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#658: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Aug 30, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: Population assessed
#656: Brownbelted Bumble Bee (Bombus griseocollis) (Insects and Spiders) — Aug 29, 2010
Lane EDRR Status:
#654: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Aug 25, 2010
Clackamas EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#653: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Aug 25, 2010
Clackamas EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#652: Garlic Mustard (Alliaria petiolata) (Land Plants) — Aug 23, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: Population treated
#651: Ivy, English or Atlantic (Hedera helix or Hedera hibernica) (Land Plants) — Aug 23, 2010
Multnomah EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#650: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Aug 23, 2010
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population assessed