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#963: Lesser Celandine (Ranunculus ficaria) (Land Plants) — Apr 19, 2012
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population assessed
#960: Bamboo (subfamily Bambusoideae) (Land Plants) — Apr 15, 2012
Linn EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#958: Shothole disease (Wilsonomyces carpophilus) (Micro-Organisms) — Apr 02, 2012
Marion EDRR Status:
#954: Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola) (Land Plants) — Mar 11, 2012
Lane EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#945: Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) (Land Plants) — Feb 26, 2012
Clackamas EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#942: Mute Swan (Cygnus olor) (Birds) — Feb 07, 2012
Marion EDRR Status:
#941: Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola) (Land Plants) — Feb 06, 2012
Multnomah EDRR Status: Population assessed
#940: Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola) (Land Plants) — Jan 31, 2012
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population assessed
#939: Spurge Laurel (Daphne laureola) (Land Plants) — Jan 31, 2012
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population assessed
#936: Ivy, English or Atlantic (Hedera helix or Hedera hibernica) (Land Plants) — Jan 23, 2012
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population assessed
#935: Nutria (Myocastor coypus) (Mammals) — Jan 21, 2012
Washington EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#934: English Hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) (Land Plants) — Jan 19, 2012
Clackamas EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#933: Ivy, English or Atlantic (Hedera helix or Hedera hibernica) (Land Plants) — Jan 13, 2012
Yamhill EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#928: Meadow Knapweed (Centaurea × moncktonii) (Land Plants) — Dec 31, 2011
Yamhill EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#926: Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) (Aquatic Invertebrates) — Dec 15, 2011
Lane EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#922: Asian Clam (Corbicula fluminea) (Aquatic Invertebrates) — Dec 11, 2011
Lane EDRR Status: Local expert notified
#921: American Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) (Land Plants) — Nov 26, 2011
Multnomah EDRR Status: Population assessed
#920: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) (Insects and Spiders) — Nov 21, 2011
Washington EDRR Status: No Response/Action Required
#919: Parrot Feather Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum aquaticum) (Aquatic Plants) — Nov 09, 2011
Benton EDRR Status:
#918: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) (Insects and Spiders) — Nov 08, 2011
Washington EDRR Status:
#917: Eurasian Watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) (Aquatic Plants) — Nov 03, 2011
Lane EDRR Status:
#913: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) (Insects and Spiders) — Oct 21, 2011
Clackamas EDRR Status:
#912: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) (Insects and Spiders) — Oct 20, 2011
Clackamas EDRR Status:
#911: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) (Insects and Spiders) — Oct 19, 2011
Clackamas EDRR Status:
#908: Knotweed (unknown species) (Fallopia sp.) (Land Plants) — Oct 12, 2011
Clackamas EDRR Status: Population assessed